Recent Sermon07/21/2024

Sunday Worship: July 21,2024


Usually our pastors preach through a particular book (or extended section) of the Bible, explaining each successive passage week-to-week. This helps us understand the context of each message better by seeing how each passage fits together with the others. Occasionally, they might preach a series of passages that are related topically or an individual message that is of particular relevance. We always remain committed to preaching only the truths we find in Scripture as guided by God's gracious Spirit.


Sermons at HBBC start with God’s Word. Our pastors start by studying a passage of scripture. They then explain the specific meaning of that passage and how the ideas it contains can apply to our lives. The sermons help us understand and apply the Bible, but the power of the message comes from God. This kind of preaching also helps us learn to read and understand the Bible for ourselves.